This is the Fifth Kyiv International Conference devoted to the Voronoi scientific heritage and its modern development.

G. Voronoi  worked mainly in the field of number theory. His  scientific publications  initiated several new directions of research in  analytic number theory, algebraic number theory, theory of functions. He essentially contributed to geometry of numbers, a field introduced by H.Minkowski.  His thorough investigation of the Dirichlet-Voronoi   domains opened  a  broad  range  of  applications  in  science and technology. His investigations of perfect forms were a  significant contribution to the theory of quadratic forms and greatly stimulated research in the field.  But only nowadays the real significance of his works became fully evident.  His works gained considerable importance lasting recent forty years due to development of many modern fields of science  and  application of "Voronoi diagrams" in many areas.  

In 1952-53, the Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences Ukraine published Complete Works by Voronoi (in three volumes).

Voronoi diagrams were introduced to the theoretical computer science in the mid-1970s. Meanwhile, the Voronoi diagram became so widely used in geometric algorithm design that some people date the birth of computational geometry to this event. A good share of papers in the computational geometry literature is directly or indirectly concerned with Voronoi diagrams and their related structures. They used now in different scientific investigations from microbiology to cosmos, this mathematical object is mentioned in hundreds of articles and in a number of comprehensive monographs.  

Extraordinary popularity of Voronoi diagrams does not diminish significance of his other ideas and results. Almost each of his works has now its continuation.

Voronoi conferences devoted to  the Number Theory and  Spatial Tessellations were held in  Kyiv,  Ukraine from 1993. The Institute of Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine together with some other scientific and educational institutions of Ukraine organized  three International Voronoї conferences  (1993, 1998, 2003). Web pages of 1998 and 2003 conferences:



A special  book (in two volumes)  Voronoї’s Impact on Modern  Science  was published by the Institute of Mathematics in 1998:


In 2008, in connection with the 100th anniversary of Voronoi’s death, Forth Kyiv Conference was held in Kyiv jointly with the Fifth International Symposium of Voronoi Diagrams (ISVD) which takes place annually from 2004 in different countries of the world:


The main organizer of that joint conference was the Institute of Physics and Mathematics of  National Pedagogical Dragomanov University.

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