У середу, 14 червня, о 19.00 в актовій залі Інституту математики НАНУ (вул. Терещенківська, 3, к. 305) відбудеться засідання Київського математичного колоквіуму.
Доповідь зробить Carmine Emanuele Cella — композитор та PhD з математичної логіки.
Назва доповіді: From signal representations to musical creation: a geometric approach
Резюме: The talk will present the work done in the last years in searching good signal representations that permit high-level manipulation of musical concepts. After the definition of a geometric approach to signal representation, the theory of sound-types and its application to music will be presented. Finally, recent research on scattering representations will be shown and some possible musical applications will be proposed, with connections to deep learning methods.
Про доповідача: Carmine Emanuele Cella is a composer and a researcher in applied mathematics. He studied at Conservatory of Music G. Rossini in Italy getting diplomas in piano, computer music and composition and then studied composition with Azio Corghi at Accademia S. Cecilia in Rome; he also studied philosophy and mathematics and got a PhD in mathematical logic at the University of Bologna working on symbolic
representations of music.
Більш детальну інформацію про Carmine Emanuele Cella та його дослідження можна знайти на сторінці http://www.carminecella.com/profile.html
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